Josefine Lyche

b.1973 in Bergen. Lives and works in Oslo.


2000 – 04 National Academy of Fine Arts, Oslo

1998 – 2000 Strykejernet kunstskole, Oslo

1995 – 1998 Philosophy, University in Bergen

Solo exhibitions:

2025 Emanuel Vigeland + Josefine Lyche, Emanuel Vigelands mausoleum, Oslo (Upcoming)

2023 Space Fling, Van Etten, Oslo

2023 Afterglow, Kunstbanken senter for samtidskunst, Hamar

2022 Stargaze, Kristiansund Kunsthall, Kristiansund

2021 Illuminations, QB Gallery, Oslo

2020 JÆRTEGN, Kraft, Bergen

2019 Planetariske Dialoger, Hå Gamle Prestegård, Hå.

2019 Glaze/ Maze, Sandefjord Kunstforening, Sandefjord.

2018 Cosmic ShoutOut, QB Gallery, Oslo

2017 Crystal Cult, Norsk Billedhoggerforening/ Prosjektrom Carl Berner, Oslo

2016 The World`s Darkening Never Reaches to the Light of Being, QB Gallery, Oslo

2015 Contact, NoPlace, Oslo

2015 Absolute Alt. Vol 2, Spriten Kunsthall. Skien

2015 Absolute Alt. Vol 1, ONO, Kunstnernes Hus. Oslo

2011 WhiteOut (Graff, Hol, Lyche), Arctic Arts festival/ Festspillene i Nord-Norge, Galleri Nord Norge, Harstad

2010 Who Cares about Aliens Anyways…, (with Henrik Pask), Galleri Christian Torp, Oslo

2010 The ninth gate, (with Henrik Pask) , Kongsberg Kunstforening, Kongsberg, NO

2009 Dream mashine, Sørlandet Art Museum, Kristiansand. NO

2009 Theme and Variations, Gallery MGM, Oslo

2008 Remake, (with Ane Graff), Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo

2007 Cosmic Dropout, 0047 Oslo, Oslo

2007  Rainbow Brigde, Galleri Trafo, Asker

2006 Wall painting, Örebro Kunsthall, Örebro Universitet, SE

2006 Untitled, Stavanger Kunstforening, Stavanger

2006 White Light, Akershus Kunstnersenter, AKS, Lillestrøm

2005 Random Works, Galleri MGM, Oslo

Selected group-exhibitions:

2025 Multippel 25, Prosjektrom Helium/ Nova Hutha visningsrom. Fredrikstad (Upcoming)

2024 The Present, QB Gallery, Oslo

2024 OFF THE WALL, Kösk, Oslo

2023 (If a man is a man) A woman is a God. Høyersten Contemporary, Bergen

2022 Høstutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo

2021 EGODEATH, Kristiansund Kunsthall, Kristiansund

2020 Move to Slow, Dopsgate 4, Oslo

2020 Hvitsten Salong 2020, Hvitsten

2019 En sen kveld, (with Lars Morell og Anders Sletvold- Moe,) QB Gallery, Oslo

2019 Hvitsten Salong 2019, Hvitsten

2019 Olje og Begjær- Et utvalg norske malere under 50, Blomqvist/ QB Gallery, Oslo

2018 Høstutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo

2018 Multippelmarked, Prosjektrom Helium. Fredrikstad

2018 NEON ARGON KRYPTON, Bærum Kunsthall

2018 NORSK MINIMALISME?, Blomqvist, Oslo

2017 PAINTING | OR | NOT, Kaviar Factory, Henningsvær, Lofoten

2016 True Will, Galleri KNIPSU, Bergen

2015 Norwegian Sculpture Biennial, (curated by Anne Szefer Karlsen), Vigelandmuseet, Oslo

2015 Battle #17, w Richard Øiestad, Pink Cube, Oslo

2015 Tilfældet Oslo, Ringsted Galleriet Ringsted, DK

2015 Menneskeberget, (curated by Christian-Tony Norum), Ekely, Oslo

2013 Raw & Order, Lynx, Oslo

2013 I de lange nætter, (curators: Lars Morell & Erica Mathiesen), Eidsvoll

2012 Sculpture and Object XVII, Bratislava, Slovakia

2012 Maleri Nå, Porsrgrunn Kunstforening, Porsgrunn

2012 Water water everywhere, Curated by Joakim Borda, The Boiler Room Gallery, Oslo

2012 Memoirs of a shy photographer, Curated by B. Sæthre/J. Hoff, Tidens Krav, Oslo

2011 10 x 10: The Feast, (curated by Marianne Zamecznik) European Culture Congress, Wroclaw, PL

2011 Monument Valley (Jaegersborg revisited/ a homage to Johannes Wiedewelt), UFO, Berlin, DE

2011 Uten ramme; nye rom, with Anders Sletvold Moe og Lars Morell, Nordnorsk Kunstnersenter, Svolvær, NO

2011 Uten ramme; nye rom, with Anders Sletvold Moe og Lars Morell, Sortland Kunstforening, Sortland, NO

2011 Uten ramme; nye rom, with Anders Sletvold Moe og Lars Morell, Kunst og Kaos, Brønnøysund, NO

2011 Uten ramme; nye rom, with Anders Sletvold Moe og Lars Morell, Norsk Luftfartsmuseum, Bodø, NO

2011 Uten ramme; nye rom, with Anders Sletvold Moe og Lars Morell, Vadsø Kunstforening, Vadsø, NO

2011 Uten ramme; nye rom, with Anders Sletvold Moe and Lars Morell, Alta kunstforening, Alta, NO

2011 Uten ramme; nye rom with Anders Sletvold Moe and Lars Morell, Saltdal Kunstforening, Rognan, NO

2011 Give med Your Eyes, Kunstverein Köln Mulheim, Cologne, DE

2011 Word Perfect 1.0, NoPlace, Oslo, NO

2010 Uten ramme, nye rom ,with Anders Sletvold Moe and Lars Morell, Galleri Nord - Norge, Harstad, NO

2010 Uten ramme, nye rom, with Anders Sletvold Moe and Lars Morell, Tromsø Kunstforening, NO

2010 More than This, Kunstnerbanken Telemark, Skien, NO

2010 Short Notice-Stir Heart, Kunsthallen Brandts, Odense, DK

2010 Giant Bowl – On Monuments Day, (curated by Anna Daniell and Sverre Strandberg) Bislet Stadium, Oslo, NO

2010 Stir Heart – Urolig hjerte, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design/ The Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo, NO

2010 Where gravity makes you float, Grimmuseum, Berlin, DE

2009 Favoured Nations, MOMENTUM 2009, 5th Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art, Moss

2009 Urban Stories, Gallery Kalhama & Piippo Contemporary Ltd, Helsinki, FI

2009 Nachspiel / Vorspiel, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Vestfossen

2009  Snowball Editions 2008, Lautom Contemporary, Oslo

2009 New Pleasures, USF, Ekko-Bergen electronic music and art festival, Bergen

2008 Up Against The Wall / Pod cian, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL

2008 Alone in the Dark, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, NO

2008 40/40, Landsforeningen Norske Malere, 40-årsjubileum. Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, NO

2008 Tomorrow Always Belongs to Us, Göteborgs Konsthall, Gothenborg, SE

2008. Shifting Schisms, Galleri Rekord, Oslo

2008. Rykk tilbake til start! , 0047 Oslo, Oslo

2007 Daydreams/Nightmares, Verker fra Tor Juul`s samling, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, NO

2007 Oh My God!, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Vestfossen

2007 Carnegie Art Award 2006, Den Frie Udstilling, Copenhagen. DK

2006 Carnegie Art Award 2006, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2006 Carnegie Art Award 2006, Centre Int’ld’artContemporain, Château de Carros, Nice, FR

2006 Carnegie Art Award 2006, Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik, IS

2006 Carnegie Art Award 2006, Meilahti Art Museum, Helsinki, FI

2006 Carnegie Art Award 2006, Konstakademien, Stockholm, SE

2006 Carnegie Art Award 2006, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo, NO

2006 Scandinavian Spastic, Sjokoladefabrikken, Oslo

2006 Norwegian Sculpture Biennial, (with Lars Morell), Vigelandsmuseet, Oslo

2006 Vestlandsutstillingen 2006 (touring exhibition). NO

2005 Stilleben / Hook up II, Project 0047, Berlin, DE

2005 Finally home (touring exhibition), Riksutstillinger/Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo

2005 Hordaland Kunstsenter (with Jan Christensen and Lars Morell), Hordaland Kunstsenter (HKS), Bergen

2005 Common Sense, Søgne Gamle Prestegård, Søgne

2005 Past/Present/Forever, Buia Gallery, New York City, USA

2004 SALONG 100, Heimdalsgata 4, Oslo, N

2004 Akademi Maleri Kunst Avgang Oslo, Galleri MGM, Oslo, NO

2003 Handicapped Future, The Raw Space, Oslo, NO

2003 Let’s get Physical, Altin Turk Showroom, Oslo, NO                               

2002. Cunt Club (Stunt Club), Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, NO

2002 Video Works, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, NO


2024 Intuition, ICArt

2022 Eikeli Skole, Viken Fylkeskommune

2021 Solneset Skole, Tromsø,

2020 Pepparrotsbadet, Enköping, SE

2019 Vågdalen/Stockholmshem, Stockholm, SE

2016 Jarfjord Grensevaktstasjon, Jarfjord/Kirkenes

2015 Krona, Kunnskaps- og kulturpark, Kongsberg

2015 Politiets Utlendingsinternat, Trandum

2015 Børsa skole, Trondheim

2014 Jarbakken Barnehage, Oslo

2014 Bodø VGS, Bodø

2013 Kunnskapssenteret, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim

2012 Kirkenes skole, Kirkenes

2012 Kongerød ungdomsskole, Skien

2011 Kvinnherad VGS, Kvinnherad

2010 Kilden Kulturhus, Kristiansand

2009 Bølgen Kulturhus (with Ane Graff), Larvik

2008 Lawfirm Selmer DA, Head Quarter Tjuvholmen, Public installation, Oslo

2008 Quality Hotel 33, Public installation, Oslo

2008 Multiconsult, Public installation, Skøyen, Oslo

2008 Aker Kværner Head Quarter, Public installation, Oslo

2007 Oslo Nye Sentralarrest, Public installation, Oslo

2007 Independence of the Seas, Commission, Miami-Oslo

2007 Eidsberg Kommune, Liten Festsal, Mysen

2005 University of Oslo, Institute for Psychology. (with Henie-Ann Isdahl, Christian Montarou, Yngvar Larsen) Public installation, Oslo

2005 St. Olav Hospital. Public installation, Trondheim


Oslo Kommunes kunstsamling

Caviar Factory



Nasjonalmuseet/ The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Norway


Tor Juul`s collection


Selected grants, awards and residencies:

2022 Studio residency, Norsk Billedhogger Forening, Studio 11, Berlin. Germany

2018 Statens Kunstnerstipend for etablerte kunstnere/ 10 year working grant

2017 Natt&Dag, Osloprisen, Årets Kunst 2016

2016 BKV. 2-årig arbeidsstipend. Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond

2015 BKV, Ettårig stipend. Billedkunstneres Vederlagsfond

2012 BKH, 2-årig arbeidsstipend. Bildene Kunstneres Hjelpefond

2012 Skien Kommunes Kulturstipend, Skien

2011 BKV, Ettårig stipend, Billedkunstneres Vederlagsfond

2010 Stipend, The Ingrid Lindbäck Langaard stiftelse, Oslo

2009 Residency and grant. Citè Internationale des Arts, Paris, Ingrid Lindbäck Langaard stiftelse

2008 Harriet Backers Minnefond, Oslo

2008 Statens arbeidsstipend – 3 år. Statens Kunstnerstipend, Oslo

2007 BKV, Ettårig stipend, Billedkunstneres Vederlagsfond

2007 Stipend, The Ingrid Lindbäck Langaard Foundation, Oslo

2006 Einar Granums kunstpris 2005, Oslo

2006 Studio Residency, OCA, Berlin Mitte, GE

2005 Statens arbeidsstipend for yngre/ nyetablerte kunstnere – 2 år, Statens Kunstnerstipen

2005 Studio Residency, NIFCA, Nordic Air Residency to IASPIS in Stockholm, SE


2019-2020 Jurymedlem, Østlandsutstillingen

2016-2017 Jurymedlem, Den nasjonale jury, Høstutstillingen

2013-16 Grunnlegger av LYNX, kunstnerdrevet visningssted i Frognerparken, Oslo

2010-12 Jurymedlem, Ingrid Lindbäck Langaard stiftelse

2006-08 Board member, UKS, Oslo, NO

2008 Editor of Boksidene, Kunstmagasinet, Oslo

2003-05 Art Critic, Kunst, Oslo

Curated projects:

2013-16 LYNX

2012 Sebastian Helling (co-curated with Henrik Pask): GLAD, Skien

2012 Group Exhibition co-curated with Henrik Pask: IRL, Skien

2012 Group Exhibition co-curated with Henrik Pask: AUX, Spriten Kunsthall, Skien

2004 Group exhibition co-curated with Steinar H. Kristensen and Leander Djønne: SALONG 100, Heimdalsgata 4, Oslo

2004 Group exhibition co-curated with Karolin Tampere: …or vice versa?, Oslo Art Festival 2, no.9, Visningsrom for Samtidskunst, Oslo

2003 Group exhibition co-curated with Lars Morell: Handicapped Future, The Raw Space, Oslo